We always keep hot foods and drinks away from the edge of tables and work surfaces. If we are holding anything hot we will keep it away from your child and will definitely not hold your child at the same time. When we are cooking in the kitchen the safety gates will be closed and infants would be placed in a high chair the other side of the gate with a puzzle or colouring book so when we cooking, we can keep an eye on them. Panhandles will be turned towards the back of the stove to prevent them from being pulled over. No cords to electric appliances will be left dangling. Whilst in our care the children’s safety will never be put at risk.
- Children in our care will be supervised at all times and will always be within our sight.
- All plug sockets in our setting are covered with safety covers.
- A first aid box is available, regularly checked and restocked after each use.
- Smoke alarms are fitted in the kitchen, Living room and hallway and regularly checked.
- The fire blanket is situated in the kitchen and is checked once a year.
- Fire drills are practised once a month.
- All wires and leads are kept out of reach/sight
- Safety gates are fitted in the living room and in the kitchen.
- The front door is kept locked at all time and the key is placed back on the hook out of reach from the children.
- Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen.
- When cooking, children are supervised at all times.
- All equipment is regularly checked for cleanliness and safety and any dangerous items are repaired or thrown away.
- An accident book is kept on the premises.
- Sleeping children are checked regularly.
- A daily cleaning routine is in place once children have gone home.
- Outside play is constantly supervised.
- Windows above the ground level are secured so that children cannot climb through them.
We do comprehensive risk assessments around the house and once a month which is recorded using a chart, which you may see at any time. All rooms and areas that the children use are cleaned, swept on a daily basis at the end of each day once the children have left.